These two terms are often interchanged and mistaken for being the same thing. They are different, however, while having many of the same goals and philosophies. Here we will focus on Conservation, while part 2 of this article will be dedicated to Preservation.
Conservation is considered a "hands-on" approach to the use of natural resources (such as trees, oil, etc.) to prevent them from being lost or wasted. Conservationists, people who advocate for, or work to protect, animals, plants, and natural resources, or to prevent the loss or waste of natural resources. They accept that change and progression are necessary for a better future, but only when the changes take place in ways that are not wasteful.
Conservationists have warned us that if we continue to be wasteful and pollute the environment, it won’t just be our generation that suffers, but future generations too.
Another way to look at conservation is saving natural resources. Below is a list of "How Tos":
- Use your clothes washer and dryer when you have a full load.
- Water your lawn during the evening, when it is cooler and dryer. Watering in the morning, when it is hot and dry, leads to water evaporation.
- Take reusable grocery bags with you to the store.
- Replace your old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs.
- Try shortening your shower by a few minutes.
- Collect rainwater with a rain barrel to water your lawn.
- Set your refrigerator to be between 36-38 F degrees and freezer to be between 0-5 F degrees.
- Unplug unused appliances. Even when powered off, plugged-in appliances use electricity.
- Plant trees to shade your home. You can save money on air conditioning.
- Print double-sided, if possible.
- Buy used furniture and re-purpose it.
- Close vents and doors in unused rooms.
- Buy a ceramic mug for your daily cup of coffee instead of using a disposable cup.
- Wrap your water heater in an insulated blanket.
- Try a dimmer switch. They are easy to install and save energy.
- Turn your computer off when you aren't using it.
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