
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Do Prescription Drugs Get Into Drinking Water?

Pure clean drinking water seems like it would be fairly easy to find in the United States. As plentiful as water is, and usually free of charge at that, sometimes it’s anything but pure and clean.

According to several studies, American drinking water can contain trace amounts of pharmaceutical drugs, including 

antibiotics, hormones, mood stabilizers, and other drugs.
“A new study in the journal Environmental Pollution, was obtained by The New Republic. Conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, it is the largest study of water coming out of wastewater treatment plants.

It looked at samples from 50 large-size wastewater treatment plants nationwide and tested for 56 drugs including oxycodone, high-blood pressure medications, and over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol and ibuprofen.

More than half the samples tested positive for at least 25 of the drugs monitored, the study said. High blood pressure medications appeared in the highest concentrations and most frequently.

One reason for the higher numbers is better technology, which can trace drugs at smaller amounts. But it’s also because we’re taking more drugs than ever, from over-the-counter medications for headaches to prescription medications for depression, acid reflux, and high blood pressure.

According to a Mayo Clinic study released in June, nearly 70 percent of Americans take one prescription drug, up from 48 percent in 2007-2008.”

Whether the source of the problem is from unused medication being flushed down the toilet or from the residual amounts of drugs in urine of people taking these drugs, they are getting into the drinking water.

Wastewater treatment plants are designed to treat biological waste only. Their original intent was not to handle things such as pharmaceutical drugs and over the counter vitamins and supplements getting into the drinking water stream.

The trace amounts of each of these drugs may not, in itself, be enough to be anything substantial, but trace amounts of all of them together pose a significant health problem, especially since some drugs have negative interactions with others.

As you are in a position to dispose of unused or unwanted medication, choose a reputable drop-off location to ensure proper treatment of these drugs.

For more information on waste and recycling visit


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