
Monday, August 24, 2015

Dealing With Yard Waste

Any homeowner can tell you that the upkeep and maintenance on a home never seems to be finished. Painting this, fixing that, and keeping up with the lawn and yard work.

The grass and weeds alone are enough to keep anyone busy each week with mowing and weed eating, but as the trees and bushes grow so quickly, they need seasonal attention, too.

Trimming and pruning can be healthy for foliage if done correctly, but what should homeowners do with the limbs and clippings? There are luckily a few different options. 

Mulching. “By using a mulching mower, you can reduce the need for fertilizers, pesticides, and watering as processed grass clippings return nutrients to the soil and help retain moisture. Labor and the need for resources such as bags is also reduced.”

Composting. “Composting, often described as nature’s way of recycling, is the biological process of breaking up of organic waste such as food waste, manure, leaves, grass trimmings, paper, worms, and coffee grounds, etc., into an extremely useful humus-like substance by various micro-organisms including bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in the presence of oxygen.”

Drop-Off Center. If you have a truck or a trailer, you may want to haul your twigs and branches to a drop-off center specifically designated to accept this type of organic waste.

Trash Hauler. Your local trash company may have a large item pick-up or other special provisions for picking up this type of waste.

If you are unable to manage hauling the yard waste yourself and arrange to have it picked up, it’s always a good idea to properly prepare it. Trash haulers will have different guidelines as to how they would like it bundled, bagged, etc.

Once the yard waste is picked up or deposited off at a drop-off center, it may go to a landscaping company, a garden center, or another party interested in this type of organic material.

Regardless of how it is picked up or dropped off, and regardless of who uses it afterwards, reusing and repurposing yard waste material is essential in our green efforts leading to a zero waste society.

For more information on waste and recycling visit


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