
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Which Cities Have the Highest Recycling Rates...and Why?

Since the emergence of recycling, there have been several advancements, innovations, and
improvements in the industry. There have also been court rulings, city ordinances, and even state laws making recycling mandatory.

This may account for high rates of recycling in some areas. It does not, however, explain why the 5 cities with the highest recycling rates are on the West coast. The top five cities are as follows:

San Francisco - Coming in at the top of the list with a recycling rate of 80%, San Francisco is aided in its efforts with their 2007 ban on disposable plastic bags which was the first in the nation. It was soon followed by other cities, and later, the entire state of California.

"Two years later, San Francisco made recycling and composting mandatory where residents, businesses, and events faced fines if they put recyclables or compostables like food waste in regular trash instead of the proper curbside bins."

Los Angeles - Ranking at an impressive 76.4%, the city is aggressively pursuing a number of waste-to-energy projects in which materials that can’t be composted or recycled are turned into biofuels for transportation and power generation.

San Jose - The 75% recycling rate is consistent with its "Zero Waste goal, set for 2022, is a “Clean Recyclables Cart” campaign to reduce recyclables' contamination. Under the program, waste haulers will note residences with consistently missorted recyclables and compostables. City staff will assess the situation, contact residents with educational material available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, and offer further help if needed."

Portland - A 70% recycling rate is especially impressive for this city since "Portland’s waste managers have to coordinate recycling and source reduction programs among the 40 independent private haulers that handle curbside pickup of both recyclables and trash."

San Diego - This city credits 2 specific factors for this high rate of recycling: "an aggressive construction and demolition debris recycling program, and a 2007 ordinance that requires almost everyone in San Diego to recycle. Only small businesses and apartment buildings generating less than four cubic yards of trash a week are exempted from the law—for now."

Although it's difficult to explain why all 5 cities with the highest recycling rates are on the West coast, and why 4 out of the 5 are in California, it is very obvious that laws, mandates, and innovative and aggressive programs to divert waste from landfills make all the difference between being one of the top 5 cities in the United States...and being left behind.

For more information on waste and recycling efforts visit

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