
Monday, June 2, 2014

Ecovillages Becoming Trendy

Ecovillages are among the new trends in the United States for individuals who wish to truly live off of the land and practice sustainability. Ecovillagers, as they are referred to, are united by shared ecological, social-economic and cultural-spiritual values. Their main goal is to become more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable, or able to involve methods in their lives that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources.
Most of these villages range from 50 to 150 people who have the same desires and goals. Most have developed on-site businesses and their own village-scale economy. They are commonly referred to as "intentional villages" since they very specifically have gathered to live for a common purpose.

Ecovillagers grow their own food, trade and barter for items they don't have, build their own homes, and, in general, devise the best methods for living for the long-term. They are dedicated to caring for people and the Earth by learning, living, and demonstrating a holistic, sustainable culture.

Goals of Ecovillages usually revolve around some or all of the following:

1.   To promote and ensure the long-term structural integrity of the community.
2.   To catalyze local and global change through learning, teaching, and networking.
3.   To shift from wasteful to regenerative use of resources.
4.   To use and develop ecologically sound technologies for water, waste, energy, construction, and other essential systems.
5.   To develop and support a thriving local economy.
6.   To grow, raise, and trade our own food, medicines, and forestry products in an environmentally responsible, bio-regional network.
7.   To practice fair, participatory, and effective self-governance.
8.    To encourage an atmosphere in which diverse spiritual practices, conscious connection to all beings, and progressive social action can thrive.
9.    To nurture personal growth, interpersonal understanding, and mutual trust, as the foundation for a deeply connected human community.
10.  To practice healthy, holistic lifestyles that balance self-care with care for others.
11.  To create a culture of celebration, beauty, and pleasure.
12.  To use capital and labor resources to provide common infrastructure and meet our collective needs."

Although recycling is about using old, unwanted materials to make new products, it is also about conservatio and preservation. Conserving and preserving our natural resources can be attainable  going forward if we work together toward this common goal. For more information on recycling, sustainability and green efforts visit

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